

Fabrieken van producten hebben hun eigen manier om de producten te produceren. Hieronder een korten uitleg met nieuwe woordenschat:

Sennheiser makes audio material (for instance headsets). It takes raw materials like plastic and steel and makes some of the components or parts used in the production of the goods. For audio material, they need lots of electronics which is also made by other companies.

Other forms of input are labor or workers and capital, in other words money. Having knowledge is also important of course, and that’s why they are constantly doing more research to improve their products. The knowledge is called IP or intellectual property.

The headsets that are being made are still a work-in-progress. After they are made they become finished goods. The quantities of components, work-in-progress, components and finished goods in for instance a warehouse are called stocks.


Tegenwoordig doen vele bedrijven aan outsourcing wat concurrentie op de markt aanmoedigt:

Sennheiser receives components and materials from about 15 companies or suppliers/partners. In the past, they used to produce in-house but recently they do more subcontracting. This is when they use outside suppliers to provide specific components and services. This is also called outsourcing, which happens in lots of industries these days.


De laatste decennia hebben zich vele evoluties voorgedaan in productie van goederen en om de kosten te verlagen hebben ze dit systeem uitgevonden:

It costs too much money to keep components and good in stock. That’s why Sennheiser is asking their suppliers to provide the components just-in-time. This way they can use the components whenever they need them and never have to bother to keep any in their stock. This is part of lean production/manufacturing, making things efficiently.



Wat zijn de voor- en nadelen van:


vele leveranciers?

componenten just-in-time te laten leveren?

lean productie

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